The dream of reason, in unequivocal allusion to Goya, is a series whose analysis forced to reconcile its formal aspect with that of representation. Because the thoughtlessness does not seem to have necessarily taken possession of these works, to provoke a series of recompositions, mismatches, duplicities, partialities, unusual glazes in the pictorial work of Aguirre, but rather this lack of intellect, this nap of understanding, we find it at the “recognition” of the portrayed protagonists. Trump, Putin, Maduro, the Fujimori -and many others that are missing!- symbolizing the most petty and vile of the current political praxis and in which, apparently and tragically, there is significant support from the electorate (if we take into account certain surveys). Good judgment is thus in a state of lethargy. It is the Catalan case, which directly affects us, another example of that numbness and the absurdity -by using a euphemism- of the situation. A big monster flaming the Spanish and independence flags appears in our eyes -as if the mixture of some cards in the Rorschach test were involved- and it is because the reason is asleep.